For ten years artists and writers gathered at 1718 Holly Street, on the bluffs that looked over the West Bottom financial district of Kansas City, its railroad hub and stockyards. A patron of the arts, Gertrude Woolf supported the 1896 Paint Club, under George Van Millet, served as a trustee of the Kansas City Art Institute, and was a donor of the Nelson-Atkins Museum. The Lighton Studio she founded helped women artists promote their art.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
dorothy ruth browdy - kcsoa
Small Houses, Kansas City, Missouri, 1933
Drawing, 11 x 9 inches, sheet
Edition size:
Signed and dated in ink, click HERE.
In 1937 Dorothy Browdy served as Corresponding Secretary for the Kansas City Society of Artists. Double click on group listing, from 1937-1938 American Art Directory, page 280. (Purchased in December 22, 2010)
Dorothy Ruth Browdy was born in 1909 to Russian immigrants in Kansas City, Missouri. She attended the Kansas City Art Institute, where she studied with Thomas Hart Benton. During summer vacations, she traveled to New Mexico, California, and Mexico, or studied at the Chicago Art Institute, the University of Wisconsin, o the Art Students League, New York City, where she worked with Reginald Marsh.
In the mid-1930s Browdy moved to New York and earned a Master of Arts Degree at Columbia University Teachers College. In 1946 Browdy married Joseph Kushner, and moved to Altadena, California. Their son, Robert, was born that year. In California Kushner studied with some of the watercolorists, such as James Couper Wright who specialized in a large scale, free and open expression of the technique. However, in frequent visits to the Pasadena Art Museum (now the Norton Simon Museum of Art) Kushner became interested in German Expressionist paintings and prints, in particular Lyonel Feininger, Alexej Jawlensky, Emil Nolde, and Ernest Ludwig Kirchner. She began to focus on full-fledged Modernism and the expressive power of color.
Around 1951 the family moved to Arcadia, to a chicken ranch where one of the barns became a studio as well as a gathering place for Kushner"s artist friends. A community developed as she and sixteen other progressive women painters and writers gathered every month to critique one another's work. They were The Group* and they met from around 1955 to 1972. In the early 1950s Kushner studied with the Abstract Expressionist Richards Rubin, a former student of Hans Hofmann. Because of allergies to oil paint solvents, she painted with casein and ultimately acrylic paint on paper, board, and canvas. She also made many prints during this period, concentrating on woodcuts combined with linocut.
Kushner exhibited frequently with art associations in which she was an active member and occasionally a juror or an officer. These included the Los Angeles Art Association, Pasadena Society of Artists, California Water Color Society, and the American Color Print Society. During the late 1960s she taught painting and drawing at Pasadena City College, Rio Hondo College, Whittier, and Citrus College, Glendora.
Kushner moved from Arcadia to Costa Mesa in 1972 and became active in the art scene in Orange County. Following Joseph's death in 1980, she moved to Santa Monica. Dorothy Browdy Kushner died in New York City in 2000.
Farmer with Scythe, 1935
Watercolor, 13 x 10 inches, sheet size
Authenticated on the reverse by the artist’s son, Robert Kushner, click HERE.
(Browdy bio courtesy of Susan Teller Gallery, http://www.susantellergallery.com/cgi/STG_art.pl?artist=kushner; Browdy images, http://www.susantellergallery.com/cgi/STG_work.pl?artist=kushner&img=27&nam=DOROTHY%20BROWDY%20KUSHNER, and http://www.susantellergallery.com/cgi/STG_work.pl?artist=kushner&img=3&nam=DOROTHY%20BROWDY%20KUSHNER accessed 12.26.2010)
Saturday, March 30, 2013
ode to Gertrude
"For Gertrude Lighton:
Gertrude Lighton was a real part of the world we live in here. Her interests were such that she created an oasis for us, a place to regain ourselves, away from the main stream of a rushin world.
She loved art and beauty in a great variety of ways, and she loved people who loved things. She had the heart of a girl always really to accept some new wonder.
Her years at 1718 Holly Street will live a long time in the memory of our town. She created a unique warm atmosphere where artists lived and worked and memorable luncheons were served to the public.
Gertrude Lighton was interested in doing and being herself, and if you wanted to get in and go along with her, her face would light up and she would take you to her heart. She had a natural unselfconscious generosity and when she heard of people in need, it never occurred to her not to jump in and do something about them.
Then she moved uptown on Main street, in her typically individual way, she took a regular store space and with her own magic, turned it into a shop of great personal warmth. In short, the Lighton Studio was more a public institution first and a store second.
And so Gertrude Lighton will remain a gentle lovely light in our lives that points to man's innate goodness. We will all miss her but her spirit will continue to warm us and that fire is not likely to go out."
(unsigned eulogy courtesy of Terri Mooney, descendant of Gertrude Woolf Lighton, Kansas City, MO, via email March 30, 2013)
I just thought that kinda summed up her...and wanted to share. T M
Gertrude Lighton was a real part of the world we live in here. Her interests were such that she created an oasis for us, a place to regain ourselves, away from the main stream of a rushin world.
She loved art and beauty in a great variety of ways, and she loved people who loved things. She had the heart of a girl always really to accept some new wonder.
Her years at 1718 Holly Street will live a long time in the memory of our town. She created a unique warm atmosphere where artists lived and worked and memorable luncheons were served to the public.
Gertrude Lighton was interested in doing and being herself, and if you wanted to get in and go along with her, her face would light up and she would take you to her heart. She had a natural unselfconscious generosity and when she heard of people in need, it never occurred to her not to jump in and do something about them.
Then she moved uptown on Main street, in her typically individual way, she took a regular store space and with her own magic, turned it into a shop of great personal warmth. In short, the Lighton Studio was more a public institution first and a store second.
And so Gertrude Lighton will remain a gentle lovely light in our lives that points to man's innate goodness. We will all miss her but her spirit will continue to warm us and that fire is not likely to go out."
(unsigned eulogy courtesy of Terri Mooney, descendant of Gertrude Woolf Lighton, Kansas City, MO, via email March 30, 2013)
I just thought that kinda summed up her...and wanted to share. T M
Saturday, February 23, 2013
1922 art scene
The following account presents a snapshot of the art scene in Kansas City. It names artists from other states who took part. Some of these artists were members of the Kansas City Society of Artists, which was organized in 1921. Those whose names showed up on the Lighton studio roster have been highlighted in blue. Where possible links have been added to the artists.
A satisfactory crowd attended last night's preview of the Kansas City Art Institute's Midwestern Artists' exhibition inspite of miserable weather.
Many hundreds more doubtless will see the exhibition this month, because it is by all odds the best, and the biggest similar show in the history of the institute.
The Kansas City Society of Artists, the trustees and the faculty of the institute were among those who assisted at the opening reception.
This year, besides the usual entries from Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma, there is representative work from Nebraska and Colorado, both of which states share in the prizes.
A Kansas Citian, Ruth Harris Bohan, is gold medalist, and these are the winners of the other prizes. Painting--Gold medal, Ruth Harris Bohan, Kansas City; silver medal, Fern I. Coppedge, Philadelphia; bronze medal, Le-Roy McMorris, Kansas City; purchase prize, William Bauer, Webster Groves; purchase prize, Nan Sheets, Oklahoma City; purchase prize, F. Drexel Smith, Colorado Springs; honor mention, Mary A. McColl, St. Louis; Oscar Taggert.
Water Color--Gold metal, Gustav F. Goetsch, Kirkwood, Mo.; silver medal, Ilah Marian Kibbey, Kansas City; bronze medal, Mildred Bailey Carpenter, Webster Groves, Mo.; honor mention, Arthur Van Arsdale, Edmond, Okla.; Norman Tolson, Kansas City, and Augusta H. Knight, Omaha.
Graphic Arts--Gold medal, Troy Kinney, New York; silver medal, Paul S. Laune, Lincoln, Neb.; bronze medal, Joseph Fleck, Kansas City; purchase prize, Charles A. Wilimovsky, for Black and White; honor mention, C.A. Seward, Wichita, Kas., and Charles A. Wilimovsky, Chicago.
Sculpture--Gold medal, Frederick C. Hibbard, Chicago; silver medal, Dr. Emmett J. Craig, Kansas City; bronze medal, Nancy Coonsman Hahn, St. Louis; honor mention, Felix S. Cabelio, Colorado Springs, and W.W. Rosenbauer, Kansas City.
Of the 780 things offered, the three judges chose three hundred for display, which means that every possible inch of display space in the building is being utilized, and that, although every effort has been made to give adequate position to the chosen three hundred, crowding was necessary.
Artists to the number of 288 are represented.
The judges, whose work was done a week ago, were Russell A. Plimpton, director of the Minneapolis Art Institute; Frank V. Dudley and Oliver Dennett Grover, both Chicago artists.
The realist school has the swing of things, which is, of course, to be expected. The visible beauty of the things about us influences nearly all of the artists more than does the meaning behind those things;. In a number of instances the degree of sophistication attained is astonishing, however.
"If we compare this achievement with that of any other region as young in years, all history will fail to provide a similiar example of such rapid progress in the field of aesthetic development." declared H. M. Kurtzworth, director of the institute, and the exhibition bears him out handsomely.
Doubtless the judges, in awarding Mrs. Bohan the gold medal, were influenced by the fact that her "Childhood," although conventional in most of its aspects, is singularly poetic, and points in a quiet but unmistakable way the trust and mystery of childhood. There is not one particle of affection in the work, and restraint has brought it remarkable balance.
Fern I. Coopedge, now of Philadelphia (present residence outside the states represented does not bar competition), receives the silver medal for her "Winter Morning," which shines through a lacework of bare and expressive branches.
LeRoy D. McMorris of Kansas City has been awarded the bronze medal for a New Mexican landscape that is a turning point in his most interesting career. It seems to be New Mexico as he feels it rather than as he sees it.
The three purchase prizes also are interesting, and the canvases of F. Drexel Smith and William Bauer especially so. The first is a Colorado foothills scene called "Melting Snow, " appropriately to the weather, an unusual number of chilling things are being shown, and the second, another windy study with the winterish light particularly well handled.
Besides the oils there are water colors, the graphic arts, and sculpture for consideration. Their examples are fewer in number, but not necessarily less interesting. Some of the etchings, particularly the gold medal work of Troy Kinney, which shows two dancers in the midst of a fantastic whirl, have especial merit.
Paul S. Laune, of Lincoln, Neb., winner of the silver medal in the graphic arts class, took his prize with a strong nude done in a new medium.
Outside the prizes winners are several canvases that probably will start many arguments. One is the "After the Storm," of Edith Mahier, a pupil of Oscar Brousse Jacobson of the University of Oklahoma. She follows the expressionist path of her teacher, but not slavishly, and her canvas, not only expresses what she meant it to, but is full of rhythm and vitality and has considerable originality.
Another is a fantastic pile of buildings in modern style by W. J. Potter, who also is represented by a more restrained conception of two French houses. Birger Sandzen, now in Europe, sent nothing, but Anton Pearson, of Lindsborg, Kas., a pupil, is represented by "Cathedral Spires," which is very much after the manner of the Swedish-American master.
Many Kansas Citians are represented, and the Art Institute faculty has not by any means been slighted. And from the practical side, the show should benefit the exhibitors, for much of the material is likely to arouse acquisitive instincts in the beholders.
http://www.michenermuseum.org/bucksartists/artist.php?artist=62, Edith Mahier links, http://siris-archives.si.edu/ipac20/ipac.jsp?uri=full=3100001~!85940!0#focus and http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Edith_Mahier_Jambalaya_1916.jpg, Nan Sheets link, http://digital.library.okstate.edu/encyclopedia/entries/S/SH021.html William Bauer link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/Search_Repeat.aspx?searchtype=IMAGES&artist=236688, F. Drexel Smith link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/biography.aspx?artist=9538, Gustav F. Goetsch link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/bulletin.aspx?searchtype=DISCUSS&artist=29109, Mildred Bailey Carpenter link, http://www.askart.com/askart/c/mildred_bailey_carpenter/mildred_bailey_carpenter.aspx, Arthur Van Arsdale link, http://www.askart.com/askart/v/arthur_van_arsdale/arthur_van_arsdale.aspx, Norman Tolson link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=100223, Augusta H. Knight link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=88583, Troy Kinney link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/biography.aspx?searchtype=BIO&artist=23471, Paul S. Laune link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=10031593, Joseph Fleck link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=6343, Charles A. Wilimovsky link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=77443, Frederick C. Hibbard link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=62125, Nancy Coonsman Hahn link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=101668, Frank V. Dudley link, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_V._Dudley, Oliver Dennett Grover link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=9288, Oscar Brousse Jacobson link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=5775, W. J. Potter link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=4085, Anton Pearson link, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?searchtype=KEYWORDS&artist=10041545, accessed Feb 11, 2012)
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Ilah Marion Kibbey
(1933 City Directory for 17th and Holly Street courtesy of Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library, 14 West 10th St, Kansas City, MO,accessed October 12th, 2010)
Among the five artists residing at the Lighton Studios was ILAH MARION KIBBEY--AMERICAN (1888-1958) oils
and watercolors, painter, illustrator, printmaker (accessed Sep 18, 2010)
"The studio immediately above that of Gertrude Lighton is shared by Ilah Marion Kibbey, Mrs. Loren Martin and Mrs. James Summers, president of the Kansas City City of Artists. Colorful fabrics, art objects and antique furniture lend it distinctive charm. Triangular and window-flanked, its elevated northern exposure permits excellent view of airport activities, interest of which is reflected in Miss Kibbey's paintings. Impressions during flight 9,000 feet above the local aiport are recorded in her oils and watercolors.
Here is a new, heretofore untried, prespective, that shows the earth pattern as it appears through clouds when the plane is banked. These three artists will participate in a thumb box exhibit to be given at the Lighton studios November 1. Landscapes, some depicting neighborhood scenes, will predominate." (excerpt from Kansas City Journal-Post, Sunday, October 19, 1930, News clippings courtesy of Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library, 14 West 10th St, Kansas City, MO, accessed October 5, 2010)
"This unique work was painted around 1927 when Kibbey was known to have made several sketches from the air detailing the meandering of the Missouri river. An oil on canvas, this painting is artist signed lower left. Overall unframed measurement of 26 x 30 inches. Restored condition, unlined but with scattered areas of inpainting and repair to the surface. Lot 668". Untitled painting by Ilah M. Kibbey courtesy of Live Auctioneers, http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/3165791 , accessed Feb 20, 2013) Double click on image to enlarge.
House in Glouchester by Ilah M. Kibbey (courtesy of Mutual Art, http://www.mutualart.com/Artwork/House-in-Gloucester/170FB09E32EDF8A9 , accessed Feb 20, 2013)
October 24, 1926 Kansas City Journal Star heading
"The picturesque environs of the New England fishing villages furnished abundant motives for the skillful brush of Ilah Marian Kibbey last summer, as her exhibition of water color paintings in tempera water colors to open tomorrow morning for a week's view at the Conrad Hug art galleries, 1011 A. Grand avenue, will testify.
Quaint old houses set beneath gree trees, rocky shore lines, wharves and fishing smacks, and finally the Atlantic itself are charmingly recorded in the sixty paintings, which are being shown. All but five of them, which are Kansas City scenes, were painted last summer in the vicinity of Rockport, Mass. Not bad for a two months' vacation.
Miss Kibbey's work is well known in Kansas City where she has exhibited frequently in the past. Her happiest effects seem to be most often obtained in the medium used in the paintings in the present exhibition, where she has succeded in combining a delightful spontaneity with sound drawing and charming color.
Besides being registrar of the Kansas City Art institute, Miss Kibbey is vice president of the Kansas City Society of Artists, and the member of the National Association of Women Painters, and the North Shore Arts association and the Rockport Society of Artists." (article courtesy of Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library, 14 West 10th St, Kansas City, MO, accessed March 2011)
Untitled (City), etching, 5 x 8 inches, 4 of 75
(courtesy of Missouri Valley Special Collections,
Kansas City Public Library, 14 West 10th St,
Kansas City, MO, accessed March 2011)
Sail Boats, etching, 8 3/4 x 10 1/4 inches (courtesy of Mutual Art, http://www.mutualart.com/Artwork/Sail-Boats/BC350F4F2731D220, accessed Feb 20, 2013)
The Wharf, Morning, oil on board, 14 x 18 inches, (courtesy of Mutual Art, http://www.mutualart.com/Artwork/The-Wharf--Morning/A611C6A297B378FE, Feb 20, 2013)
Untitled (Men on Logs), "Fine oil on masonite by this important artist and teacher from Kansas City who's works are rarely found. Kibbey is notable among American artists, her work is held in various museum collections including the Smithsonian American Art collection. This work is artist signed lower right and measures 26 x 30 inches overall. Very good untouched condition.Lot 667" (courtesy of Live Auctioneers, http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/3165790, Feb 20, 2013)
MARION KIBBEY, AMERICAN (1888-1958) GLOUCESTER DOCKS, oil on artist`s board,
signed lower right, gilt-framed. 18 x 20 inches. Exhibited: The National
Association of Women Painters and Sculptors, New York ,
1923 The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts ,
119th Annual Exhibition, 1924 (courtesy of Images Worth Point, http://images.worthpoint.com/files/is/4859/398/4859_398_1H20OBHG1.jpg, accessed Feb 23, 2013)
Dangerous Blues (song music), cover art: Ilah Kibbey
(courtesy of Parlor Songs, http://parlorsongs.com/issues/2007-4/thismonth/feature.php, SCROLL DOWN TO Dangerous Blues, acc. Dec 17, 2010)
Portrait of Ilah M. Kibbey by Pauline Everett, drawing,
Lot 669, 12 x 10 inches, signed lower right.
This pencil sketch on paper was found in the estate of Paulina Everitt (Kansas City Art Institute student) courtesy of Live Auction, http://www.liveauctioneers.com/item/3165792, accessed Feb 20, 2013)
Everett BIO http://www.davidcookfineart.com/1/Everitt_Paulina_Jones.htm and http://bestofthewestauctions.com//dynapage/IP7309.htm and http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/Search_Grid.aspx?searchtype=BOOKS&artist=105827
Shiny Water, Motif No.1, Rockport, Massachusetts, Watercolor& Gouache, 8" x 8-1/2" inches, Ilah Marian Kibbey (American 1888-1958) Circa 1925. Signed lower left. (courtesy of Covington Gallery, http://covingtongallery.com/watercolors-0113-shiny-water-a.htm, accessed Feb 20, 2013)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
woman artist advocate
"The Lighton Studios helped women artists and helped women show their work." (J.D. Mooney interview, Kansas City, August 24, 2010)
"Granny bought the Bloody Bucket at 17th and Holly. It had been a whorehouse. She moved out the girls. She started the first art gallery in Kansas City. She started it for women at the Art Institute. I've heard she gave Benton the first show. Billy Kemper had an art studio there. The tea room was there and a restaurant for a sophisticated bunch. It was a very hip place to go. She cooked there, which was beneath her standing. She should have had a servant do it. Gertrude was fabulously wealthy." (Linda Lighton interview, Kansas City, October 2, 2010)
"Granny bought the Bloody Bucket at 17th and Holly. It had been a whorehouse. She moved out the girls. She started the first art gallery in Kansas City. She started it for women at the Art Institute. I've heard she gave Benton the first show. Billy Kemper had an art studio there. The tea room was there and a restaurant for a sophisticated bunch. It was a very hip place to go. She cooked there, which was beneath her standing. She should have had a servant do it. Gertrude was fabulously wealthy." (Linda Lighton interview, Kansas City, October 2, 2010)
(1933 City Directory for 17th and Holly Street
courtesy of Missouri Valley Special Collections, Kansas City Public Library,
14 West 10th St, Kansas City, MO,accessed October 12th, 2010)
Among the five artists residing at the Lighton Studios was Emma Siboni (1877 - 1940)
Emma Benedikta Siboni, daughter of Josephine Crull and Erik Siboni, was a portrait painter in America. Born in Soro, Denmark. She schooled at the Art Institute of Chicago, St. Louis School of Fine Arts, Skarbina in Berlin, and Menard in Paris (lineage courtesy of http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/o/o/Carlisle-C-Cook-jr/GENE2-0016.html (SCROLL DOWN TO # 81 FOR EMMA LISTING, accessed November 12, 2010) (courtesy Ask Art, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/ArtistKeywords.aspx?artist=88176, accessed Feb 18, 2013)
“A Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Washington University, St. Louis,
Awards in the School of Fine Arts for the year 1896-97 were as follows:--June
10, 1897, Prof. Halsey C. Ives, Director St. Louis School of Fine Arts…..Dear
Sir:--The Jury of Awards appointed to judge the work submitted in competition for honors for the
year 1986-97 takes pleasure in congratulating you and your fellow workers and
the students upon the very high order of excellence which marks the exhibition.
The judges found themselves seriously embarrassed in selecting the best because
of this general superiority and wished many times that the number of honors had
been greater. The following are recommented…..LIFE CLASS IN BLACK AND WHITE #99
Miss Emma B. Siboni 1st, Bronze Medal #16 Mr.J. Oliver Spurr 2nd,
Honorable mention"
(courtesy of Google Books, http://books.google.com/books?id=j7U4AAAAMAAJ&pg=RA2-PA91&dq=emma+siboni&hl=en&sa=X&ei=osAgUeXkBY_xqQH5r4CwCw&ved=0CEgQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=emma%20siboni&f=false, accessed Feb 17, 2013)
Nov 23, 1902 New York Times Queen Alexandra
Orders Miniatures “Special
Cable to the New York Times. Berlin , Nov. 22— Emma Siboni, the well-known American miniature painter, has received an
order from Queen Alexandra of England to paint the portraits of the Queen’s
grandchildren, the children of the Duke of Fife.”
(courtesy of New York Times, http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=FB0911F835591B728DDDAA0A94D9415B828CF1D3
accessed Nov 13, 2010)
Portrait of a Young Woman by Emma Siboni (courtesy of Ask Art, http://www.askart.com/AskART/artists/search/Search_Repeat.aspx?searchtype=IMAGES&artist=88176, accessed Feb 19, 2013)
1904 New York at the Louisiana Purchase
Exposition, St. Louis 1904, E.
Siboni, five miniature paintings http://www.fullbooks.com/New-York-at-the-Louisiana-Purchase-Exposition4.html
SCROLL DOWN TO SEE HER LISTING, accessed Dec 15, 2010.
More follows: She was cited as a resident ofBuffalo NY (1903); Fort Wayne IN (1905-10); Hubbard Woods IL (1915-1919), Pasadena CA (1920's and 1930's), and Washington DC 1900. (From Edan Hughes, Artists in California, 1786-1940)” http://www.askart.com/askart/artist.aspx?artist=88176 accessed Nov 13, 2010
More follows: She was cited as a resident of
1912 Art Institute of Chicago, Feb.1-18, Catalogue of the 16th Annual Exhibition of Works by Chicago Artists http://www.artic.edu/aic/libraries/pubs/1912/AIC1912ArtofChi16thAn_comb.pdf SCROLL DOWN TO PAGE 50 FOR FOLLOWING LISTING accessed Nov 13, 2010 #255 Portrait of Miss Caroe
Miniature (Lent by Miss Caroe, Copenhagen) #256 Portrait of Miss Emma Rusode
Miniature (Lent by Miss Rusode) #257
Portrait of children of Grand Duchess Xenia Miniature (Lent by Grand Duchess
Xenia, Russia) #258 Portrait of Baroness Wedell-Jarlsberg Miniature (Lent by
Baroness Wedell-Jarlsberg, Paris) Siboni, Emma—840 Linden Ave,Hubbard Wood,
1913 Eleventh Annual Philadelphia Water Color club
and Twelvth Annual Exhibition of Miniatures, Nov.9 to Dec. 14, 1913---Emma
Siboni #58. Mrs. Donald MacQueen (pg.14), # 127 Miss Beatrice Starr
Partial List of Miniature Painters in this exhibit:
Heloise Guillou Redfield, Emily Drayton Taylor,
William J. Whittmore, Clare Shephard, A. Margaretta Archambault, Edna Huestis
Simpson, Mabel R. Welch, Harry L.
Johnson, Carolyn D. Tyler, Mary Rogers, Ludwig E. Faber, Elsie Dodge Pattie,
Bernice P. Andrews Fernow, Maud H. Purdy…. http://books.google.com/books?id=HewqAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=Philadelphia+Water+Color+Club+(Print+Section),&source=bl&ots=BzyxPGvSty&sig=4osfmoq-CV--8_R3RTGLiiNrTOc&hl=en&ei=ci4WTd3LM4_XngfqxcXPDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false
, SCROLL DOWN TO PAGE 14, accessed Dec 15, 2010.
October 1914 Vol. 8 No.2 Bulletin of
the Art Institute of Chicago, Volumes 1-12 By Art Institute of Chicago (American Society
of Miniature Painters, emma siboni) http://books.google.com/books?id=bcEEAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA7-PA6&lpg=RA7-PA6&dq=American+Society+of+Miniature+Painters,+emma+siboni&source=bl&ots=UyxsIExfjH&sig=OAE_e6LQ2OT-_r6TqScKqrhXRXg&hl=en&ei=5UbfTL6BHs-NnQe0j6HdDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBoQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=American%20Society%20of%20Miniature%20Painters%2C%20emma%20siboni&f=false
Nov 13, 2010.
December 1916 American Federation exhibit circulated 1916-1917 page
34, item # 14. Miniatures
by members of the American Society of Miniature Painters, 54
works---Springfield, Illinois, Dec.5 to Dec. 22, 1916; Los Angeles, California,
Jan 1 to Jan. 29, 1917; Louisville, Kentucky, Feb. 7 to Feb.28, 1917. http://books.google.com/books?id=1yYMAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA515&lpg=PA515&dq=ethel+greenough,+kansas+city,+flowers&source=bl&ots=UDFyTBceKB&sig=WERZUpybwZ_BmbDBPJmA7vUJS-g&hl=en&ei=SgMITdLIFcL78Abq6MynCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=ethel%20greenough%2C%20kansas%20city%2C%20flowers&f=false, SCROLL DOWN TO PAGE 607 FOR SIBONI LISTING, accessed Dec 15, 2010.
It is no surprise that GW Lighton commissioned Siboni to do a portrait of her daughter. She had three children: Phoebe, Gertrude, and Alfred. It was either Phoebe or Gertrude.
Portrait painting of Gertrude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Lighton, by Emma Siboni. (BELOW, Artist signature, E.S; painting, closeup of portrait head, family photos of daughter Phoebe and Gertrude Lighton (photos courtesy of Linda Lighton, Terri Mooney, Kansas City, MO, Feb 19, 2013)

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